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Saturday, October 8, 2011

Season Opener, the Quest for the Cup Begins

Ladies and gentlemen of the Red...from the District, Virginia, Maryland and all Caps fans everywhere--it is time:

For all fans of the Washington Capitals to come out of our long summer hibernation and celebrate that time of year where we watch a team that knows how to win.

Time to see how the wheeling and dealing of one George McPhee has finally taken effect--time to see if the Caps have retooled or simply regressed.

It is time for another season of hope that feels more like a season of promise than ever before.

It is time to see two goalies, one master and one apprentice do battle for one job and to find out who they will ride all the way through April and beyond.

It is the time for El Capitano to shake his critics, take this team by the reins, and lead it to the promised land, no matter what it takes.  It is time for him to finally BE THAT GUY.

It is time for Nick Backstrom to rebound from a sour spring and bounce back to his old form.  If he can do what Andrei Nikolishin did in 1998, this team will go far indeed.

It is time for Sasha to be as Good as he can be, no matter what anybody says.

It's time for a certain coach to use everything he knows about getting a team through adversity and apply the hell out of it in a season and post-season that may well be fraught with bumps along the road.  Because if he does not, his time will run out.

Ladies and


E ROCKIBUS REDUM to all, and let's all hope we're seeing Red come April.  (not on your tax returns of course!)

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