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Thursday, September 30, 2010


Yeah, remember that thing about the Caps' finally being rid of Michael Nylander and his $3-mil a year salary?
Well, not so fast so says a few sources.  I first read about it early this morning in Katie Carrera's column in the Post and thought it had to be a mistake.  Well, at least I prayed it was a mistake anyway.  But no, it turns out it's all true as was confirmed by the GM to the aforementioned Swordmaiden of the Rink.

So while he's gone, his price tag, or at least a good chunk of it, is still with us. BLAH!  Ah well.  It's like when you get a substitute teacher but you still have to do homework---half the good is better than no good at all.

At least this tale may look to have a better ending than the Eric Belanger saga, which seems to be shrinking in our collective rear-view mirror, thank God.  In any case Nylander may not be exactly where he wants to be, but at least he now has something of a say in where he might end up after this year.

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